The government looks set to force through its controversial welfare reforms without giving the House of Lords a chance to readdress the amendments it made.
Brits would rather insure pets than themselves or their families, a survey has found.
Zurich has revealed it paid 92% of critical illness (CI) claims last year.
Defaqto has released its Star Ratings for private medical insurance (PMI) for the first time.
Government ministers will aim to overturn the exclusion of means-testing of cancer patients receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) as the coalition's government's Welfare Reform Bill moves back to the House of Commons.
Critical illness (CI) and mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI) are among the most complicated financial products for consumers to understand, the ABI has found.
Bright Grey paid out 91% of critical illness (CI) claims in the last six months of 2011.
Universal Provident has launched a new combined protection and health insurance product aimed at customers forced to reduce their cover limits.
Britons are losing sleep over their future health but many have not prioritised protecting themselves against the financial effects of illness, new research has found.
Sex is the only subject more taboo than finances for UK families as many find the conversations too awkward and uncomfortable, a new report has revealed.