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A disease that affects nearly 15% of the population yet little is known of the cause, Fergus Bescoby takes a look at age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)
A common disease, yet still barely understood, Anne Llewellyn gives a guide to the underwriting of multiple sclerosis
Smear tests can detect cervical cancer as well as pre-cancerous conditions. Fergus Bescoby explains the underwriting implications of abnormal cells and different cancer stages
There are over 5 million asthmatics in the UK and, depending on its severity, the condition can affect ratings on health protection. Fergus Bescoby explains
Insurers have reported a growth in breast-lump disclosure on application forms but these are often benign. Anne Llewellyn explains the underwriting implications of breast disease
At some point in life, most people will have come across a mole that has caused them to worry. Often, these are harmless but what are the effects of a malignant melanoma? Anne Llewellyn explains
Almost three-quarters of adults over the age of 45 have hypercholesterolaemia - raised cholesterol - and it is one of the major causes of heart disease. Lisa Fuller explores the condition
There are various types of abnormal heart rhythms, some more serious and permanent than others. Joanne Braham explains the condition and its underwriring implications
Haemochromatosis is when the body absorbs excess iron which is then deposited in its organs causing enlargement and irreparable damage. Peter Jolliffe explains the effects of the disease and how it can be treated