Employer participation in the new Health and Work Service (HWS) could become mandatory if its initial voluntary structure is not a success, the government has admitted.
UK employers suffer almost one million long-term sickness absences each year, according to official government statistics released today.
Employment minister Jo Swinson MP has urged employers to invest in the wellbeing of their workforce - noting that there was growing evidence for benefits to businesses and the wider economy when doing so.
Two thirds of employers do not have any processes in place to measure the effectiveness of their benefit spend.
The leaders of the Office of Tax Simplification's review of the employee benefits and expenses system believe their "radical" recommendations will clean-up the current "complex and burdensome" rules and processes.
The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has suggested a "pragmatic" cut to National Insurance Contribution (NICs) rates.
Willis Group is restructuring its employee benefits consulting practice to combine all of its existing services in the market.
Private healthcare providers will be compelled to provide greater information on the quality and cost of treatments being offered to private patients and insurers.
The vast majority of HR managers at larger firms have no confidence in the government's new Health and Work Service (HWS) despite it not being formally launched, a survey finds.
A template allowing employers to detail the available workplace adaptations and modifications is being developed to support the fit note.